Friday, February 04, 2011

Beauty Tips EVERY Girl Should Know

Don't we all just love these little tips to save time and money??

Vaseline - Vaseline is one of the most versatile things I've ever known, like, you can use it as a chapstick for dry lips, and you can use it on dry skin as well. If you've ran out of make up remover, you can use vaseline to remove your eye makeup too. If you put vaseline on your lashes, you'll notice that your lashes look subtly thicker, Vaseline also conditions your lashes, making them longer and thicker.

Okay, so you decide to paint your nails, and they look something like the nails in the picture (maybe not so long), but you painted your nails black. You then decide that you want to go natural, and you remove the nail varnish. Yes, all the black is gone, but you notice a horrible stain on your nails that you just can't get rid off. To remove the stain, rub a slice of lemon over your nails, and you'll see that the stain will be gone.

Forgotten your blush?? Dont worry!! Use your lipstick instead. This way, you'll not only have blush, but it will look more natural - just remember to blend out the lipstick! 

Olive Oil is like vaseline, very versatile. Olive oil is a natural makeup remover, and applying it to your skin will moisturize and soften your skin. It can also be used as a hair conditioner.

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